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  • 1. What is a pellet mill?

    A pellet mill is a machine which can be used to produce pellets from powdered biomass materials. It is also called pellet machine, pellet press or pelletizer.

  • 2. What can we use the pellets to do?

    The biomass pellets are usually used as biomass fuel or animal feed. The pellets produced by our GEMCO small scale pellet mills are very suitable to be used as burning fuel. Compared to other common fuels like coal or wood, the biomass pellets contain more heat and have higher combustion efficiency. They also produce few smoke and ashes during their burning process, which makes them a type of green energy.

  • 3. Why did my compressed pellets turn black?

    Carbonization: The biomass pellets will turn black during the carbonization process which occurs when they are pressed through the holes of a pellet mill die. But the pellet fuel that made from these carbonized and blackened pellets share a better quality due to the increased ability of holding heat within them.
    Altered Enzymes: The raw materials that have been effected by weathers(such as rain and wind) may cause pellets to turn black. Specific reason is the change of the raw materials’ enzymes. And this enzyme change will lower the thermal qualities of the pellets.

  • 4. How can I make high quality pellets?

    Use proper sized feedstock: To produce high quality pellets, you need to guarantee that the size of your feedstock is smaller than the holes’ of the pellet die, but not too small at the same time.
    Use proper adhesives: Proper adhesives are required if you are going to produce pellets with high quality. Though they are not necessary for some models of our pellet mills, the proper adhesives can help increase the quality of the pellets.

  • 5. Where can you deliver the pellet mills?

    We provide worldwide shipment, no matter which country you are in, we can deliver our products to you.

  • 6. How to choose the right dies for my pellet mills?

    The pellet holes on different types of pellet mill dies have different diameters, so to produce ideal pellets you need to choose the proper pellet die first. A thin die with bigger holes grants the pellet mill high capacity but the density of the pellets produced is lower. A thick die with smaller holes makes reduce the capacity of the pellet mill but increase the density of its products.

  • 7. Why should I adjust the gap between the die and the roller and how do I do it?

    The gap between the roller and the die determines the pelletizing effect and the abrasion speed of the roller and the die. This gap is usually set between 0.05mm to 0.3 mm. If the gap is beyond 0.3 mm, the materials will be spread unevenly across the die and cause poor pellets quality. While a gap smaller than 0.05 mm would cause unnecessary abrasions on the pellet press.
    To adjust the gap is very simple. Just adjust the screws on both sides evenly, you only need a hex key to do it.

  • 8. What is your return policy?

    We guarantee that every product is qualified and the shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacture. During this period, we will replace the defective product for free (the freight will be borne by the customer).
    We reserve the right to require the customer to return defective products or parts for inspection at the factory.

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