Store a Biomass Pelletizer in the Right Way

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The flat-die biomass pelletizer helps maintain the warmth throughout the winter. With the advent of spring, the temperature in the northern hemisphere is also getting higher and higher. Many families plan to store their biomass pellet machines until the next winter. Some factories or households use their pellet machines to provide bio-particle fuels for cooking or other uses. For idle biomass pelletizers, it can cause serious damage if stored improperly. This machine has cost us a lot of money and we should cherish it.
pack the biomass pelletizer to keep it dry

What should we pay attention to store a biomass pelletizer?

  • First of all, don't get wet. The biomass pelletizer should be kept away from moisture in a cool, clean place to prevent motor short circuits and machine corrosion. Some pellet machine parts are made of iron and can cause corrosion if exposed to air for a long time.
  • Second, clean the parts. Chips or other materials left in the machine absorb moisture from the air and accelerate the machine's corrosion. Spare parts, especially the pellet die, should be given more attention. Filling the die holes with oil can reduce the corrosion rate.
  • Third, if the machine is kept for more than six months, it should be replaced with new oil. Long-term storage of oil will become hard to remove, causing negative effects.
  • Fourth, in order to prevent the machine from aging, the parts with rubber in the machine should be removed, such as rubber belts, covered with bags and placed in a cool and dry place away from the ground.

Maintenance during the daily use of the biomass pelletizer.

  • Neatness. Neatness means that the tools are placed neatly, the safety protection devices are complete, and the pipelines are complete. The workplace and inside and outside of the equipment are kept clean and free of dust and oil. Various workplaces and equipment do not leak.
  • Lubrication . Lubrication means lubrication of parts, refuelling and oil change. For more details, please read this article.
  • Safety . Safety refers to the operation of workers following the operating procedures. All kinds of power equipment and main working machinery have load running regulations, and there are no missing parts, reins, odors, abnormal vibrations or swings of various equipment, and various measuring instruments work normally. Check various protection devices and power equipment regularly.
In short, the maintenance of biomass pelletizers is a positive preventive measure. Enterprises should establish mechanical equipment maintenance, provide necessary material conditions and a good working environment. We believe that as long as we often use this process, pay attention to the maintenance of biomass pelletizers, biomass pelletizers can work smoothly and bring you benefits. In recent years, biomass projects have become more and more popular. More and more people are checking the project, but some people do not pay attention to maintenance after purchase, resulting in intangible costs, which is not worth the loss. Maintenance is the key, maintenance can make the machine life longer, and the quality of the produced particles will be better, so maintenance plays a decisive role.
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