How to Keep Flat Die Pellet Mill Spare Parts in Good Condition
So, it is necessary to learn how to reduce the wear and tear of a flat die pellet mill. The operator should standardize the operation to reduce the damage of the main parts of the flat die pellet mill, extend its service life, reduce the cost of feed processing, and improve the production efficiency. From the point of flat die pellet mill protection, we will talk about how to avoid unnecessary damage during the pelletizing process of a pellet mill.
Several aspects below are suggested to be noticed during the pellet production when using a flat die pellet mill.
Suggestions for Flat Die Pellet Mill Users
Careful Selection
The raw materials used for processing must be carefully screened to ensure that the material is free from impurities, then they can be used to produce pellets in the pellet mill.
Proper Raw Material Size
The raw materials need to be crushed into pieces of proper size before introduced to the pellet mill. Suitable sizes not only guarantee the best pelletizing effect, but also reduce the wear out rate of the flat die pellet mill. Different models of pellet mill have different requirements for the material size, it is suggested to read the product guide book carefully to find out its most suitable material size before the pelletizing, make ensure that the size of the crushed material in the flat die pellet mill machine most suitable for the suppression range.
If the raw material is too large for the pellet mill, the die and roller would be easily damaged during the pelletizing process.
In the process of production and processing for the flat die pellet mill, a powerful cooling system (counter flow cooler) should be equipped to reduce the temperature inside the pellet mill, and make the flat die pellet mill particles, dies and rollers work effectively at the proper temperature.
Feed Speed
The feed speed during pelletizing should be very stable. Sudden slow or fast feed speed is very harmful for the pellet mill. Fast feed speed may lead to the material accumulation in the pellet mill, which should be avoided.
With these advices in mind, you should be able to use your flat die pellet mill in a proper way and keep its spare parts well after a long time use.
About GEMCO Pellet Mill
GEMCO is endeavored to provide the most outstanding and economical flat die pellet mill for our customers. GEMCO is a leading pellet mill manufacturer in China. We provide a series of high quality flat die pellet mills for factory or individual pellet producers.
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