grass pellets and their features

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Grass is very easy to be found around the planet. You can see it in farmland, residential green belt and square lawn anytime in a year. Usually, it is used as feed for livestock and poultry, but because of the presence of biomass pellets, now it could be a treasure.

What Benefits Can Grass Pellets Bring

Grass pellet is a kind of green energy resource. With the wide distribution and sustainability of raw materials, the biomass pellet becomes an available alternative to traditional fuels and relieves the shortage of fossil energy. What’s more, grass pellets can help keep agricultural open space, and provide a new revenue stream and profit center to the farmers and other landowners. It has a great potential as a low-tech, small-scale, renewable energy system that can be locally produced, processed and consumed.
Besides, grass pellet can be burned without emissions problems, and it has almost the same BTUs as wood pellet. Grass biomass pellet is much better for the environment because it emits less greenhouse gases than oil, coal and natural gas do. Furthermore, grass is perennial, does not require fertilization and can be grown on marginal farmland. Because of the rising cost of fossil fuels and the need for energy resource, grass pellets have become more and more popular. The most important point is that they can be made at home completely. Forming the grass into pellets allows the materials to be handled and stored easily, transported economically, and burned efficiently. One advantage to this method is that grasses dry in the field, which reduces the drying cost at a pellet mill.

Some Points Worth Notifying in Grass Pellets Production

A grass pellet mill is necessary for making grass pellets, it is the core in the grass pellet produce line. In general, the quality of the grass pellets depends on  the pellet mill used to produce them. A good quality pellet mill will produce good quality grass pellets with good features like high intensity and smooth surface. These features not only affect the pellets’ appearance but determine their combustion value
The grass need to be first crushed into powders of proper size before they can be introduced to a pellet mill. Because only powders with their diameters between 2mm and 5mm are proper for pelletizing, both too small or too large will cause functional issues and damage the machine during the producing process. Hammer mill is a usually used machine to pulverize grass into powers, it is also a key part in large pellet production plant to increase the capacity.
The moisture content of grass plays an important role in determining the quality of grass pellets . Many experiments have proved that the optimum moisture content of raw grass is 13%-16%. When the pellet mill is working, the pressure between spare parts will heat the grass to 70℃ in normal circumstances. During the process of cooling them from high temperature to room temperature, water content would generally reduce by 3%-5%. So after cooling, the water content of the grass should be less than 11%. Low moisture content is considered as a good feature of grass pellets for low moisture content means high density, high burning efficiency and long storage period.
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