benefit from using biomass pellets

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Using biomass pellets as fuels is becoming more and more popular in the recent years. According to a report published earlier this year, the global biomass pellets market had accounted for USD 7.65 billion in 2016, and was expected to reach USD 15.9 billion by 2022.
So what kind of advantage lies in these small pellets? What is the reason that more and more people are attracted to use them?
biomass pellets and materials used to make them


Using biomass pellets as a fuel is more efficient compared to many other traditional fuels like wood log or fossil fuel.
Let’s take the wood log as an example. Many people may ask why can’t we just use logs to produce heat but need to use these pellets? There are many answers for this question: one is that the logs can only be produced from trees, and trees grow very slowly, and deforestation would break the equilibrium of the ecosystem. Pellets, on the other hand, can be produced from various of biomass materials such as grass, straw, sawdust, fruit shells and so on. These materials are easy to find and since many of them are biomass wastes, burning them won’t deteriorate our living environment. Another main reason is that pellets burn much more efficiently than logs. During the burning process, pellets generate less ash, less smoke but more heat. The features of their small size, uniform shape and low moisture content make it possible to design highly automated combustion systems like modern wood pellet stoves and boilers.


Using biomass pellets instead of other traditional fuels could save you a lot of money over the long run. We can also use wood logs as a comparison. But aren’t pellets more expensive than logs? It is true that one ton of wood pellets are more expensive than one ton of logs, but the heat produced by one ton of logs can never reach the same level of the heat produced by one ton of wood pellets. The main reason is that the moisture content of wood pellets is much lower. All types of biomass pellets have a moisture content below 10%, and the moisture content of most pellets are even lower than this, around 5% to 8%. However, the moisture content of wood logs are usually between 40% and 50%, even the logs stored in dry places for years still have a moisture content of 25%. So it can be seen as burning half water when we put most logs into fire, and this causes their low combustion efficiency and increases the smoke they produce.  Therefore, the money you cost using pellets to generate a certain amount of energy can be less than the cost of using logs. And, because the fossil fuel storage of our planet is decreasing, the price of these fuels have a tendency of increasing in the future, while price of biomass pellets would remain steady.

Green & Clean

The burning process of traditional fuels would generate a high amount of green house gas. Most of the gases they produce will not only  accelerate the green house effect but also deteriorate the air condition of our living environment. The biomass pellets on the other hand is quite clean, they produce less harmful gases have a relatively low green house gas generating rate. It is fair to say the biomass pellets are a type of green and clean energy.

GEMCO Energy provides many types of small pellet mill, with them you can made high quality biomass pellets on your own!

GEMCO small pellet mills for biomass pellets producing
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