advantages of straw pellet fuel

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The contamination caused by fossil fuels is keep growing in the world, eventually it will become a large threaten to all the lives in the earth. And with humankind's growing demand for energy, the planet's fossil fuel reserves are also gradually withering. So it is more urgent than ever that we should find some more sustainable energy to replace them. 

Straw Pellets Fuel

Straw pellet is a kind of biomass pellet, it can be used as an excellent alternative to fossil fuels in home use like keeping your stove warm.
The shape of straw pellets are similar to a cylinder, it is generally 10-30mm in length and 6-8mm in diameter. Straw pellets are made from the straws of various plants including wheat, rice, corn, etc. They can be produced by pellet mills either in the pellet making factories or in your own farm. More and more people have started to use the straw pellets because the material of them is easy to obtain and they can be easily made. For example, straw pellets are very popular in the U.K because of its large grain market with over 2 million hectares of wheat grown every year. As long as there are cereal crops growing, straw will always be available to make straw pellets. So it is not difficult to see that straw pellets have a great prospect in the future.
straws in the farm field

Features of Straw Pellets

As a fuel, straw pellets contain a high level of combustive compositions, which makes them very easy to ignite and grants them a high efficiency in burning.
Straw pellets parameters
Rate Value
Moisture Content 8-12%
Ash content 5%
Density 600kg/m³
Combustion Value ~16.30MJ/kg

Advantages of Straw Pellet Fuel

straw pellets
  • Economic price. The price of straw pellets is much lower than fossil fuels, so using straw pellets could help us save a lot of money.
  • Eco-friendly. Straw pellets are made of 100% plant straw but without any chemical additives. Unlike fossil fuels such as coal or oil, burning straw pellets does not generate poisonous gas or carbon to the atmosphere.
  • Sustainability. Straw pellets are a new type of renewable energy. After burning in pellet stoves, the ash left can also be used to fertilize the soil.
  • High combustion value. Straw pellets can generate more heat in the burning process than raw straws with same quantity.

GEMCO Energy provides many types of small pellet mill, with them you can made high quality straw pellets on your own!
gemco small pellet mills

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